COVID-19 & Milwaukee Riverkeeper

The COVID-19 is an evolving situation that we at Milwaukee Riverkeeper are taking very seriously. As we watch it unfold around the globe, in the United States and here at home, we acknowledge that the disruption and uncertainty associated with the current situation is unsettling for everyone. We feel deep empathy for those who have been affected by this pandemic and those who will be impacted.

The Problem with Plastic…

The Problem with Plastic…

Every bit of plastic that has ever been created still exists, it’s not going anywhere, and everyday consumption shows no signs of slowing. We depend on plastic, and now we’re drowning in it. The Milwaukee River Basin is unique in its makeup, comprised of 3 distinct...
The Problem with Plastic…

Planning a safe canoe trip

Although the Milwaukee Urban Water Trail is not as “wild” or isolated as many popular water trail routes, the power and unpredictability of our rivers should never be underestimated! It is important to plan properly before any river excursion to ensure that a safe and...
A Free Flowing River:  Gratitude & Restoration

A Free Flowing River: Gratitude & Restoration

Donate Now that we’ve accomplished our goal and the Estabrook Dam has been removed, we’d like to answer a few questions we’ve been receiving lately: Q. What’s next? A.  The future of this project lies in the work to restore the area surrounding...
The Problem with Plastic…

Our New Look

We have some BIG news to share! After more than twenty years, we have updated our look and logo! You will start to see our new look everywhere, like when we are out in public, on our website, and on social media. The new look, including new colors and fonts, updates...