Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup

Robotic Litter Removal in the Milwaukee River Basin

What is the BeBot?

The BeBot is a remote-controlled robotic device designed to clean beaches by sifting through sand to collect plastic debris and other litter.

What is the Pixie Drone?

The PixieDrone is an aquatic robot that navigates through water bodies to collect floating debris. Drone operators use handheld controls and cameras to identify and capture plastic waste.

How do the BeBot and PixieDrone work together?

While the BeBot targets beach litter, the PixieDrone focuses on aquatic debris. Together, they provide a comprehensive solution for addressing plastic pollution in Milwaukee’s rivers and beaches.

How is this different from the Milwaukee County Park’s Sand Sifter or MMSD’s Skimmer?

These drones are smaller and are remotely operated by an individual. They can get into more confined areas than bigger machinery. We are also targeting beaches that are not currently cleaned regularly by Milwaukee County Parks.

Why Milwaukee Riverkeeper?

Through decades of community cleanups, we have removed hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash, and audits have shown that the majority of trash is made up of single-use plastics. This data drives our efforts to better understand the source of these plastics and its impacts on our communities and waterways and helps identify solutions to reducing plastic waste.

When and where will the drones run?

During the season, the drones will generally be deployed weekly on either a local beach or river.  The calendar is subject to change based on weather and staff availability.  For the most up-to-date information on where the robots will be, join our interest list below.

What will happen to the litter and plastic waste collected?

The litter and waste collected are sorted by volunteers and characterized based on size, type, and brand.  Characterization data is contributed to the Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup and other programs.  Combining data from around the Great Lakes provides the information necessary to make predictions about the sources and amount of litter entering the Great Lakes. This data will hopefully inform policy and management solutions to address this issue over time. 

What is the Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup (GLPC)?

The GLPC is a collaborative initiative led by the Council of the Great Lakes Region and Pollution Probe. It aims to reduce plastic pollution in the Great Lakes through innovative technology and partnerships, fostering cleaner and healthier water systems.




How Can I Get Involved?

 Learn more about upcoming opportunities to engage with Milwaukee’s drones by joining our interest list below!

Thank you for your interest in robotic cleanups and waste characterization. To be the first to hear about upcoming events and opportunities to volunteer, join our interest list!