Vote like CLEAN water depends on it (because it does!).
If you haven't already, it's critical to get your absentee ballots dropped off or to make a plan to vote. There's a lot at stake for our waterways in this year's election. We must keep pushing to make our communities climate resilient, for healthy rivers and clean drinking water.
If you need information on elected officials we recommend checking out Wisconsin Conservation Voters Conservation Scorecard, and endorsements.
If you've already voted or made a plan, be sure to check-in with friends and family to ensure they have a plan to cast their ballot safely.
Wisconsin falls short in protections for cancer causing compounds in firefighting foams
PFAS are largely unregulated synthetic compounds found in firefighting foam and other products. These compounds increase the risk of cancer and other ailments. Wisconsin is well behind our neighboring states in providing PFAS protections for its residents.
In August, Milwaukee Riverkeeper and 9 other Environmental Groups in Wisconsin pushed for an emergency ruling to take a "modest step forward" in addressing community health concerns caused by these compounds in firefighting foam. While the new rule went into effect nearly two months ago, there is still dispute over implementation.
We know these foams are being used and that they are a major source of
contamination to our waters statewide and in Milwaukee. We CAN’T let industry pressure stop forward progress on dealing with these
forever chemicals that pose a significant risk to our human health and
Share your thoughts on WDNR PFAS Action Plan, which will provide the guidance for state agencies in educating, regulating, and cleaning up PFAS contamination.
For help in submitting your comments read Milwaukee Riverkeeper's testimony to the Natural Resources Board. Comments due on 10/31/20.
Let's put the Zombie Highway back to bed
The Zombie Highway I-94 expansion project, which was already defeated once before has been reintroduced by Governor Evers, essentially “raising it from the dead.” This project has many dangerous repercussions, including increasing the amount of polluted runoff entering already stressed rivers and streams.
Not to mention the project will worsen climate impacts, and exacerbate existing racial and class divides, negatively impacting public health. The project itself will also not fix congestion or safety concerns, studies show it actually can make them worse.
Tell Governor Evers and Lt. Governor Barnes to lay the zombie highway project to rest for once and for all.
U.S. EPA attempts to rollback toxic coal ash regulations
Coal-fired power plants are by far the single largest contributor of toxic pollutants such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead to waterways across the United States, endangering public health and wildlife. Waterkeeper Alliance and Waterkeeper groups have been fighting for most of our history to reduce or eliminate these toxic threats to our waters.
After years of industry and government resistance, we finally saw progress when the Obama administration issued regulations requiring safer management and disposal of toxic coal ash under federal solid waste and clean water laws: the Coal Combustion Residuals Rule (“Coal Ash Rule”) and the Power Plant Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Standards (“Clean Water Act ELG Rule”), respectively.
While these rules represented steps forward in our fight against coal ash pollution, they would still allow toxic coal ash to be managed and disposed of unsafely and too much toxic pollution to enter our waters.
Write EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler today and tell him that EPA's toxic coal rollbacks will harm our waters and our communities.

Stay informed about issues you care about. Check in here for Action Alert Updates!
- DNR PFAS Action Plan -- Comments Due 10/31
- Say NO to the Zombie Highway -- Sign the Petition
- Send a Letter to Administrator Wheeler, and Take Action Against Toxic Coal Ash
- Read the latest sign-on letters and statements from Milwaukee Riverkeeper
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