The Senior Water Advocacy Network will hosts its 2018 Summer Film Preview. Be one of the first to see the newest documentary from Patagonia that follows the fight for the last wild rivers in Europe.
For your next canoe or kayak trip, look no further than your own backyard! We are excited to announce the launch of the NEW, EXPANDED Milwaukee Urban Water Trail map. The Milwaukee Urban Water Trail is a cooperative effort to help connect citizens and visitors of the Greater Milwaukee area with our three rivers.
Milwaukee Boat Line has been a great business member over the past few years. They have been part of our Adopt-A-River program from the beginning, adopting the area around their dock, and have hosted our annual River Regale event.
Donate Now that we’ve accomplished our goal and the Estabrook Dam has been removed, we’d like to answer a few questions we’ve been receiving lately: Q. What’s next? A. The future of this project lies in the work to restore the area surrounding...