Back this summer at Bradford Beach are trained guides ready to help you stay safe at the beach. These safety-minded community members bring knowledge about daily water quality, rip currents, water levels, and more! They teach at the beach Thursdays through Sundays from 12 – 4pm, and you can spot them in their Beach Ambassador T-shirts.
After a long year of isolation, it is natural to want to get out and enjoy Milwaukee’s beautiful beaches. While conditions may seem safe for swimming, there may be threats to your health and safety, hiding out of plain sight. In the past, water hazards have caused illness, injury, and even death to beachgoers who could have avoided those outcomes with better information. This summer, these risks are even higher since there will be no lifeguards on duty in Milwaukee County. Beach Ambassadors will be there to help fill the gap at Bradford Beach, but everyone needs to stay informed as conditions change.
NOTE: McKinley Beach is also closed all season due to rip currents being caused by the breakwalls at that location, which led to 4 deaths in 2020.
Plan your beach trips easily with the Swim Guide app.
You can also find more information about Milwaukee County Beaches and learn ways to stay safe at the beach.
The 2022 Beach Ambassador project is a pilot program organized by:
- University of Wisconsin
- Sea Grant Institute
- Milwaukee Water Commons
- Milwaukee Community Sailing Center
- Milwaukee Riverkeeper
- and Coastline Services, LLC.
If you are interested in joining the beach ambassador team, please contact Rhonda Nordstrom (rnordstrom@milwaukeewatercommons.org) with the subject “Beach Ambassador Position.”