TAKE ACTION: Urge Your State and Federal Lawmakers to Protect Our Waters
Urge the Federal Government to Restore and Strengthen NEPA The National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA, requires federal agencies to assess the significant environmental impacts of federal projects, or projects with significant federal funding, before those...TAKE ACTION: Support State and Federal Actions to Protect Our Water and Wildlife
Support SB 52 and AB 61—Say No to Oversalting and Yes to FreshwaterAs a member of the Wisconsin Salt Wise Coalition, Milwaukee Riverkeeper supports several state bills (SB 52 and AB 61) that would create a deicing applicator certification program through WDNR. The...TAKE ACTION: Protect WDNR’s Authority to Do Their Job!
Take Action on PFAS in Wisconsin! Governor Evers recently signed the State budget, and it included $125 million to address PFAS contamination of our waters. While this is good news, this funding cannot be distributed to communities that need it until legislation on...
Oil Spill on the Milwaukee River
Several paddlers and residents contacted Millwaukee Riverkeeper with reports of a heavy oil sheen on the Milwaukee River downstream from Silver Spring on Tuesday night. This spill was reported to WDNR’s Spill Line, and a warden responded.

Turning the Tide Together: Reflections on litter, compassion and community.
Living in Wisconsin allows us to experience all seasons, including the quiet snowy winter. Snowflakes cover the grass and turn into hills for our children to sled down and enjoy life. Warm cups of tea become our go-to; we feel warm and cozy with thick socks. Winter is Mother Patchas’ way to rest and recover, bringing us spring with an abundance of flowers and warm breezes that kiss our cheeks.