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Milwaukee Boat Line has been a great business member over the past few years. They have been part of our Adopt-A-River program from the beginning, adopting the area around their dock, and have hosted our annual River Regale event.
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For over 15 years, Bostik, Inc. team members have enjoyed partnering with Milwaukee Riverkeeper and making the Milwaukee River a cleaner, more enjoyable place for the community. Adopting the Underwood Creek Parkway area in 2017, the company has participated in at least two clean up events each year with as many as 60 volunteers.
| Business Member Spotlight, Featured Home
Clear Water Outdoor aims to get more people outside, enjoying our natural resources. The company partners with Milwaukee Riverkeeper to lead 3-4 summer paddles annually.
| Business Member Spotlight
This is the first year we have the pleasure of partnering with Natural Awakenings Magazine. The resources and tips in the magazine help readers live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle including individuals’ impact on their surrounding environment.
| Business Member Spotlight
PaveDrain joined as a first-time Milwaukee Riverkeeper Business Member in Spring of 2017. Their efforts to reduce stormwater runoff through permeable pavement aligns with Milwaukee Riverkeeper’s goal of creating clean and healthy rivers.
| Business Member Spotlight
For more than 70 years, OBG has specialized in engineering and problem solving, but the Company’s greatest strength is creating comprehensive, integrated solutions for our clients.